High Quality, Patient-Centered Care
Landreneau Physiotherapy is different than any Physical Therapy you have ever experienced. We are a fee for service clinic focused on providing high quality, hands on treatment. Our goal is to eliminate your pain so that you can return to doing the things that you love. Our specialties include dry needling, deep tissue release, joint adjustment and manipulation techniques, and soft tissue manipulation among other manual therapy treatment techniques. All appointments are one on one with a Doctor of Physical Therapy.
Dr. Kevin Landreneau DPT, MTC, Cert. DN
Kevin Graduated with his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in 2012. He went on to earn his Manual Therapy Certification in 2014 and became certified in Dry Needling in 2017. He is passionate about using his education and skill set to help others achieve an optimal state of health and wellness. Kevin takes your pain personally. He is always learning and furthering his skills in an effort to help as many people as possible.
Dry needling
A technique used by specially trained Physical Therapists for treatment of pain and movement impairments that are the direct result of myofascial, muscle tissue and connective tissue impairments. Dry needling involves a thin filiform needle that penetrates the skin and stimulates underlying myofascial trigger points and other soft tissues that are not manually palpable.
-derived from definition provided by the APTA
Manual Therapy
Dr. Kevin Landreneau received his Manual Therapy Certification (MTC) from the University of St. Augustine in 2014. Manual therapy techniques are defined by the APTA as “skilled hand movements and skilled passive movements of joint and soft tissue and are intended to improve tissue extensibility; increase range of motion; induce relaxation; mobilize or manipulate soft tissue and joints; modulate pain; and reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction.”
Joint manipulation
Dr. Kevin Landreneau has been trained by the University of St. Augustine and the Spinal Manipulation Institute in various techniques of joint manipulation utilized to restore normal joint mobility and alignment.
Movement Analysis
Detailed analysis of human movement by a specially trained doctor of Physical Therapy with the goal of identifying abnormal movement patterns or compensations. Once abnormal movement patterns are identified the Physical therapist will then further examine to identify the musculoskeletal cause of the movement dysfunction and will treat accordingly.
Myofascial release
A hands-on technique involving the application of gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
-The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach
Each client of Landreneau Physiotherapy will be provided with a home exercise program developed especially for them to address identified deficits with goal of restoring movement dysfunction.